To spread basic knowledge of personal finance, giving people the power to make their lives better.
Meet the Founder
Thank you for reading this far! It’s lovely to know you are here with me and interested in creating a better future.
I used to feel out of control regularly, and passive in my own financial life. But now I have:
a 100% debt-free future
an early and wealthy retirement plan
life changing experiences for me and my family
NO MORE financial shame and embarrassment!!
Let me put one thing clear, I was a classic Silly Girl …
I had multiple Buy Now Pay Later accounts, student loans with no actual plan of how to pay them back, missed payments for phone bills, and just plenty bad financial decisions and no logic. Essentially, always spending more than I had, and living beyond my means.
Classic Silly Girl Behaviour.
Now… I am here to change the narrative, and switch all my fellow Silly Girls’ out there to more forward thinking. Do not fall into the classic money traps! And do not keep telling your self ‘it will be fine’ and continue with your silly logic, like I did.
Now, I’m not here to make anyone feel bad. We are who we are, and we can only change our behaviour once we see it. It took me until the ripe age of 27 for this to click!
Get yourself out the way, and get planning your future!
Personal security is incredibly important to me, and my hope is that I help others achieve this.
Too commonly, women can be left in vulnerable positions when relationships end, or become toxic/abusive. Even more so if children are involved, and they were not the breadwinner.
A big hope with ‘Silly Girl’ is to create more forward thinking and self awareness to prevent this happening.
Once, girls and women (all ages) realise the importance of their finances, health, and wellbeing they can make choices that don’t trap them in a future they don’t belong in.
It’s time to have a life of purpose, and not a life you just end up with.
Another hope is that this businesses is able to support charities that help women and families in vulnerable or abusive environments break free and find safety and stability
Founder, Silly Girl
1) To help people gain financial knowledge early so they can build personal security, and prevent them from being vulnerable.
2) To help people plan an amazing financial future with emergency funds, savings, retirement funds and wealth creation for them and their family.
3) To support charities that aid vulnerable people to break free from toxic environments.